BCCMS  /  MSTAM 2014
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The 1st International Cutting-edge Forum on Additive Manufacturing
Presentations and Exhibition from May 27th to 28th at Airbus in Bremen


Organized by the University of Bremen and Airbus Bremen, the event is a cutting-edge forum for discussion on additive manufacturing, including its application in industry.
From May 27 to 28 MSTAM 2014 will bring together researchers, educators and practitioners from around the world and foster an atmosphere conducive to developing new ideas and refining already existing research developments.



The symposium is intended to promote the exchange of experience at international level and support the dialogue between science and industry as well as users and developers. Complete program as PDF.

Sessions and Keynote Speaker

  • Modern Technological Trends and Challenges
  • Emerging AM Technologies
  • Numerical Simulation
  • Material Behavior
  • Testing and Qualification

Peter Sander (Airbus), Prof. Dr. Paulo Bártolo (Centre for Rapid and Sustainable Product Development), Dr. Claudio Dalle Donne (Airbus Group Innovations), Prof. Steward Williams (Cranfield University), Prof. Dr. Claus Emmelmann (Laser Zentrum Nord), Prof. Dr. Ir. Jean-Pierre G. Kruth (Catholic University of Leuven), Dr. Steffen Beyer (Airbus DS), Prof. Dr. Carolin Körner (University Erlangen-Nürnberg), Prof. Dr. Frank Vollertsen (BIAS), Dr. Michal Vorel (Airbus DS) 


Registrations will be accepted until May 9th.

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Conditions of Participation

After successful registration a confirmation e-mail will be sent to you. An e-mail including the invoice will be sent separately. Cancellation until May 9th is without charges. In case of later cancellation or nonattendance full payment is required. Participation of a substitute person is possible after arrangement. The organisational committee reserves the right to change the program.

Identity card or passport is required for entering Airbus site and conference center!




Fabian Neugebauer
Airbus Endowed Chair for Integrative Simulation and Engineering of
Materials and Processes (ISEMP/University of Bremen)
Am Fallturm 1, Entry A, Room 3.40
28359 Bremen

Phone: +49 421 218-62326
E-Mail: registration [at] isemp.de